Web Development Trends - Jujubee Media

Top 10 Web Development Trends to lookout for this year!

In this digital world, we have reached the stage where websites are created with eye-catching designs to attract the customers. Each year new trends and technologies shape the environment with tons of features.

Initially, we used the first browser “HTTP 0.9”, “HTML”, “World Wide Web” and the first server software called “CERN” for our web. Currently, we are to the next step of advancement in which modern websites allows the customer to shop online and added most of the current websites are compatible with mobile devices as well.

A recent statistic states that online selling has increased by more than 20%, and is all poised to grow from $2.3 trillion in 2018 to $4 trillion in the next three years. The forthcoming years will bring a lot of changes and trends in Web Development.

What is surprising is the way Website specialist have kept on adapting to expanding technical difficulties and still figure out how to make websites easy to understand, clear and imaginative, predictable, versatile for each and every gadget.

Let us view the top 10 cutting-edge web designing trends below:

1. Static Websites

Static Websites are back. Static Websites are nothing but a basic and popular site which is created using HTML and CSS. When you find a site with an extension of .html or .htm, then it is a Static Website. These websites take less time to load web pages.

Static Websites - Jujubee Media

In simple words, a static website is the one where the content on the website remains the same for every visit. To make it clear consider the following example, your favorite daily feed and interaction platform like Facebook is a dynamic website, whereas a site talking about a particular service, like a book, is static.

There are six main reasons why Static Websites are needed.

  • Security.
  • Reliability.
  • Speed.
  • Hosting and Price.
  • Scalability.
  • Technological Advancements.

2. Bold Typography

Bold Typography - Jujubee Media

With increase of emphasis on content, it’s no surprise that typography plays a vital role in the design and it is the most important design element as well. Most of the companies are turning to bold typographies that makes them stand out from the crowd.

In the previous years incorporating typography in the sites were technically impossible and luckily the situation has changed now. For a past few months, the use of web typography is increasing drastically.

   The use of bold typefaces is a trend which gives personality to the texts with emojis which makes the text more impressive as well.

To download different bold fonts you can check at https://www.designyourway.net/drb/a-collection-of-40-free-bold-fontsthat-you-can-use-for-headlines/

3. Chatbots

Chatbots - Jujubee Media

Chatbots are the computer programs which aims to stimulate the conversations. Moreover, it is full blown.

According to a recent survey report, organizations lose $62 million every year due to poor customer service.

The popular examples of recent days include Siri, Google Assistants, and other AI. Chatbots have the following benefits such as

  • Nevertheless, of time, Chatbots are available 24/7.
  • They help the organizations in saving money since the enterprise doesn’t need the help of the employees.
  • Chatbots have automated repetitive work when no one likes to do work again and again.
  • They also act as personal assistants by acting as a fashion advisor for clothing, or ask trading tips from a finance bot, and also suggesting places to visit from a travel bot, etc.

And with new advancements coming every year such as AI, NLP and Machine Learning which makes the chatbot more intelligent to a point where it does not need to be told by an employee what to do is not far away. Hence, it is safe to say that the future of chatbots is beaming.

4. Push Notifications

Push Notifications - Jujubee Media

Nearly most of the applications use this feature to notify the user of the message.

If you want to notify users about sports score, change of weather, or something, using push notification will be the convenient solution.

Let us look at some specific advantages Push Notifications offer:

  • High conversion rate.
  • Improves brand recognition.
  • Reaches the Target Audience.
  • Highly cost effective.
  • User Retention.
  • Quick Response.
  • Seamless flow of information.

5. Progressive Web Applications (PWA)

Progressive Web Applications - Jujubee Media

Have you ever wished for a web app to be a real app?

Well, Progressive Web Applications are indeed the ones which are built using technologies such as HTML, CSS, Javascript and will give a look of a “Native App”.

PWA is designed in such a manner that it can work offline and also with other benefits such as Push Notifications, Camera, Audio Input, etc.

Some big organizations have already started using PWA like

  • Flipkart.
  • The Washington Post.
  • Jumia Travel.
  • Flipboard.
  • Aliexpress.
  • Alibaba.
  • Snapdeal.
  • Ola.
  • Make my trip.
  • Trivago.
  • Goibibo.

6. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

Accelerated Mobile Pages - Jujubee Media

Accelerated Mobile Pages are the open source coding standard designed with the major aim of improving the web content, advertisements and to make faster mobile sites.

It is the extension of HTML and JS where it has targeted content publishers such as news, blogs, etc. In case if you are publishing the content, then this is for you.

How can AMP improve your business?

Here we have suggested the top 5 benefits of AMP

  • AMP has a better mobile experience than regular pages.
  • Improved Search Engine Ranking.
  • AMP provides Visitor Analytics.
  • Increased number of visitors.
  • Faster load times.

7. Browser Extensions

Browser Extensions - Jujubee Media

Browser Extensions are becoming popular nowadays. Browser extensions are the plugins which add functionalities and can modify the capabilities of a web browser.

If you want to know the best extension of 2018, you may go through https://www.tomsguide.com/us/pictures-story/283-best-google-chrome-extensions.html#s4

There are many benefits that come from having some extensions

  • You can add more functionality to the browser.
  • It can make things more organized as well.
  • It can also customize your Chrome browser a little bit.
  • You can enjoy Ad-free browsing.

8. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality - Jujubee Media

Augmented and Virtual Reality are responsible for interactions of users with the websites.

Virtual reality (VR) allows the users to experience a fully artificial environment. While Augmented reality (AR) overlays virtual objects in the real-world environment. Mixed reality (MR) anchors virtual objects to the real world.

Hope this will help you!

In the year 2020, AR and VR are going to rule the market by producing $162 billion.

9. Motion UI

Motion UI - Jujubee Media

A good design and interface is a mandatory component of a website or application. This, in turn, helps you to increase your reach to more number of audience as they can navigate easily on your app or website. A good app or website includes different elements such as colors, fonts, space, and icons.

In the earlier days, the static design was used but nowadays motion design is in trend. Motion design can help bring the digital products to life as well.   

In spite of having a website with minimal features, Motion UI can make a difference. Users require something which is intuitive and attractive.

When motion UI is appropriately implemented on a website and is based on an extensive UX/UI research, it can do wonders for usability and increase your conversion rate on your page.

Motion UI includes benefits such as

  • Compact Login.
  • Inbox + Keep Integration.
  • Force Touch.
  • User-Friendly.

10. Responsive Design and the Rise of Mobile Users

Responsive Design for Mobile Users - Jujubee Media

Designing a user-friendly and a responsive web page is important. A responsive web page is something when your inner pages are interconnected and there should not be any broken link to be detected.

Responsive design is becoming a must-have feature rather than a nice-to-have. In the year 2015, 35% of website traffic was served to mobile devices. In 2016, that number has increased to 43%. Recently, in 2017, 50.3% of website traffic happened on a phone instead of a computer or tablet. This shows the increase in mobile traffic of 7% just from 2016 to 2017.

Another survey states that 57% of the internet won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile. These are the reasons why a page should include a responsive web design.


Web development trends are undergoing a massive transformation nowadays. The use of live video on the website will also get a momentum. Honestly, video content is viewed as an important factor to boost online sales for sure. Therefore, e-commerce and other websites will definitely use the quantity of their video content from 64 to 85% by 2020 as per the statistics.