Tangible Benefits of Using Text Message Marketing - Jujubee Media

Tangible Benefits of Using Text Message Marketing

Do you know most of the American’s check their mobile for every 12 minutes, a report says! Which is equal to 80 times a day!

This means that people are frequently checking their phones and their phones are always nearby.

Plus, open rates for texts greatly exceed email open rates, which hover around 20%. As digital marketers and the best web development company in Madurai, we discuss regarding mobile SEO, responsive website design and even social apps such as Facebook Messenger, but one of the most underutilized tools in the marketing tool belt is, text message marketing.

What actually is a Text Message Marketing?

Text Message Marketing - Jujubee Media

Text Messaging is the act of sending the coupons, special events, current affairs, offers, etc to your customers through text message. To make it simple, SMS marketing is simply a smarter, easier and shortest way of reaching your customer.

At Sumanas Technologies, we always give importance to our target customers by providing notifications as a remainder on festive days.

Multimedia Messaging

This is another form of messaging through the phone. This includes multimedia content such as a video or image, or messages that are longer than 160 characters.  

Multimedia Messaging - Jujubee Media

Fortunately for marketers and prospects similarly, customers have a simple way to opt in or out straight from their mobile phones with most SMS marketing services.

Why you need SMS Marketing?

  • Best Way of Engaging the Customers

In short, text message marketing is the best way to engage your customers. Though the Emails are kept unread for days, 90% of text messages are opened and read within the first three minutes of getting them.

Among this, it includes 95% of adults worldwide. The greatest advantage is it doesn’t require any internet connection.

  • Trackable Medium

Trackable Medium - Jujubee Media

Most of the SMS and MMS services are trackable. Just like other marketing campaigns, you can manage them as well!!

  • Great Way for Interaction

SMS and MMS are the best way to increase the way of interaction. You can present short messages to your audience that direct them back to your site so they can immediately interact with your brand.

Great Way for Interaction - Jujubee Media

  • Immediate Message Delivery

As we have discussed, there is no need of Internet for messaging. So messages get delivered instantly. You can set up a text message marketing campaign and have hundreds of clicks or user feedback within moments.

Immediate Message Delivery - Jujubee Media

SMS Marketing Tactics you must follow:

One of the best things about Text Message Marketing is it provides you with the Creative freedom to work on. Here are a few ways which can help you to engage with your customers!

  • Coupons

This is the most obvious tactic being used. Everyone wants to believe like their in the loop, and your subscribers will stick around if they feel they’re getting a lot of value out of the texts.

Coupons - Jujubee Media

Consider, if you are a restaurant chain, you could render subscribers a free side with the purchase of an entree or a buy-one-get-one-free dinner special.

  • Polls

Polls are another great way for customer engagement. You can, in turn, view the customer views, likes, dislikes, opinions, etc. This can enrich your business as well!

Polls - Jujubee Media

  • Run a Contest

A contest is yet another way to increase the engagement with customers. From offering short deals to anyone who opts in, to offering a huge prize to one random subscriber, running an SMS contest is a standard promotion tactic that sees a lot of action. Who doesn’t like to acquire free kinds of stuff?

Run a Contest - Jujubee Media

  • Adding Photos and Videos to the list

A recent survey states that messages with a good number of photos and videos receive a large customer base. Visual media characterizing your message, deal or contest adds acumen, interest and extra information to the overall message invariably leading to more engagement. One thing to you should never forget is that, unlike an SMS message, an MMS message does require an internet connection to receive and will use your client’s data allotment.

To Close

As a web development and a digital marketing agency, we make use of this strategy by engaging a huge customer base.

Hope you would have enjoyed!!

Sources (Smart insights Business2community, Simplycast)