Pre-register For Upcoming Android Apps - Jujubee Media

Pre-register For Upcoming Android Apps!

You might be curious as to whether the temple run will be coming up with a new version of its game or whether there will be an even more exciting app to come from the Google PlayStore.

Relax! Google is always thinking about its users and has come up with an option to keep you informed about any new app release on the PlayStore. So if you need to know what’s new in the PlayStore, just click on the button titled ‘Pre-Register’ and you will be alerted when the app releases on the Google PlayStore.

The ‘Terminator Genisys: Revolution’ is said to be the first app that will take advantage of this feature. Search for it on the Google PlayStore and it will show up with a pre-register button which will let you know when the app becomes live in the Store. This interesting new feature from Google will allow users to know in advance when their favorite app hits the market. Probably this would be a perfect example of the phrase ‘technology keeps you on your toes’!
But the process is not that painful as standing on your toes. It just takes a button click!

If you wish to know whether one of your favorite ‘to-be-launched’ android apps is available at the PlayStore, just click on the button that says pre-register. This feature is absolutely free and doesn’t redirect you to any payment gateways asking you to pay for this option. Go ahead and register, it’s free for sure!

Also when the app becomes live, you will not be compelled to download or buy the app. The choice is yours! And at any point of time, you wish to cancel your interest in the upcoming app you can do so by clicking the ‘Unregister’ button.

This feature is for those who wish to build curiosity about their ‘to-be-released’ movies or website that will have an app version as well. So if you wish to make your app more user-friendly, don’t forget to incorporate this feature into your app before loading it into the PlayStore! Your users will be happy to know that you really care for them by letting them know of your new release in their mail inbox instead of searching for it on the Google PlayStore!

So if you wish to stay ahead of the rest, just pre-register for the big next!