Life Changing technical advances - Jujubee Media

Life Changing technical advances you should be aware of

This modern era has witnessed quite changes in the evolution of technology. In fact, we can come across new inventions day by day. Technology has changed the way the business is done and enabled the many people to work on their goals.

There are extensive technical innovations that had taken place over the past few years. Here is a list of top Tech innovations in the previous years. These technologies have influenced our lives and brought new achievements possible in business.

  • Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality - Jujubee Media

In the year 2014, Google launched Google glass which is a wearable Augmented Reality. This stands to be the most important inventions in the last few years. Augmented Reality comes up with microdisplays becoming reasonably priced, where we can see personal wearables becoming available to the masses. This will provide us with an entire avenue of information retrieval use on a daily, minute-by-minute basis.  

We already know that augmented reality as a tech or images which combines with, well, reality, and augments it. The best example of this is the Pokemon Go.

  • Real-time translation of Languages

Real-time translation of Languages -Jujubee Media

Technology has seen a vast improvement which includes voice recognition technology coupled with Artificial Intelligence in which real-time language translators allows real-time conversations for a single language user.

This is helpful in the case of usability as well as reduces the complexity. Added, it helps you to get your language and accent correct.

  • Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Apps

Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Apps - Jujubee Media

In the past years, building Artificial Intelligence into mobile applications was a little bit difficult and expensive. But currently, one can build AI into mobile apps has become less expensive, and you may use Google services, or Amazon services to incorporate AI to mobile applications which gives an experience of intelligence, anticipates user needs and desires.

  • Fast storage at an affordable price

The rapidly declining cost and increasing performance of flash-based storage powers are the latest trends. Without the low-cost solid-state drive (SSD), VR and AI would still be unfeasible to most of the businesses. Cloud providers believe in SSDs. Innovation in the storage industry builds a foundation for new technologies which are effective.

Fast storage - Jujubee Media

These storage mechanisms indeed provide tons of storage space which includes images, all kinds of files, videos, audios, etc. Different storage mechanisms of the recent days include:

  • Microsoft OneDrive.
  • Google Drive.
  • DropBox.
  • iCloud.
  • Deep Learning

The biggest technology innovation for the last three years is Deep Learning. Deep Learning refers to the ability of the machine to recognize on its own with the data available This kind of superior learning is evolving the role of the technology at a drastic rate.

Deep Learning - Jujubee Media


In recent days, the developers not only develop the applications but at the same time, they need to deploy and host it as well. A major percentage of their workload demands them to invest the money and also apply the resources in time.

The serverless computing enables the launch of applications much quicker and less expensive. This allows the companies to focus more on satisfying the customers other than the deploying and hosting tasks.


These technologies are aimed at taking our lives to next level. Hope we have suggested few technologies which are playing a vital role in the modern days.

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