Meta Tags to enhance the SEO and User Experience - Jujubee Media

Know how to use Meta Tags to enhance the SEO and User Experience!

Being a Business Owner you would probably know what your website is about. But how your audience, internet, and search engines are going to know? The solution is through the usage of Meta tags. Meta Tags play a significant role in SEO enhancement.

Meta Tags are nothing but the pieces of codes that are embedded on the website that tell the search engines and potential site visitors what the page is actually about.

There are several types of meta tags available related to everything from the language of the page to indexing instructions for web crawlers.

Every page of the Website actually contains meta tags, but the most important types of meta tags are meta titles and meta descriptions.


Why do meta titles and meta descriptions actually matters?

The Meta title and Meta Description have a significant job of telling both search engines and humans what the page is thereby, so they are remarkably important for both SEO and user experience.

When it comes to SEO, a crystal clear and an accurate meta title and description help Google recognize the content of the page, so it can more precisely provide the page as a result for related searches.


When you take your users into account, the meta title and description that appear in search results and in social media links indicates the searcher what they will find if they click through to your site, and can discover whether a user visits your site or goes elsewhere.

How to add Meta Title and Descriptions to Web Pages?


Meta titles and descriptions can be inserted in HTML code of your site, else if your website is built with Content Management System (CMS) such as WordPress, the CMS provides a way to enter the meta title and description in a text field associated with each page.

You can also combine an SEO plugin, like Yoast, to add meta titles and descriptions to your web pages.

Meta Title and Descriptions - Jujubee Media

Write a Great Meta Title

Your meta titles should be descriptive and should include all the information a user would search on a search engine.

While it is much more important to include the keywords in the meta title ensure they are used naturally and doesn’t make the title confusing or unclear.

Moreover, the title you choose should start with the foremost topic and/or keyword for the page, possibly followed by a subsequent topic or keyword and the brand name or company, all separated by a – or | character.

Write a Great Meta Description

Meta Title gives the factual description of the content of a web page, the meta description is more like an advertisement—not only should it elaborate on the content of the page, it should be written in an engaging way that makes users want to click the link and visit the page to see more.

For any of them who reach your website through search or a social share rather than by directly entering the URL in their web browser, the meta description acts as the page’s first impression.

In such cases, the meta description allows you to begin providing a great user experience before the user even gets to your website.

Great Meta Description - Jujubee Media

Have a look at the Meta Description Check List:

Meta Description Check List

Don’t Duplicate

Never Duplicate your meta description. Every page on your website should have an individual meta description like using the same generic meta description on multiple pages will not only hurt your search ranking for those pages, it wastes your chance to bring visitors to the page.

Be Accurate

Ensure the meta description truly represents the content of the page. If your meta description ensures content that the page doesn’t deliver, Google will figure it out, and so will your users which will result in loss of website traffic and a drop in search rankings.

Write in Natural Language

While your meta title can be a short rundown of terms, your meta portrayal ought to be in sentence frame. Envision somebody has asked, “For what reason should I visit this page?” and utilize the meta depiction to give an answer.

Final Verdict

These Meta Tags are indeed going to improve the user experience across your target audience. Take a look at our checklist to make sure you have been good with Meta Title and Descriptions. If you need to enhance your web page, you can reach us anytime for a desired outcome.

Thanks for Reading!