Float Your Videos on Facebook - Jujubee Media

Float Your Videos on Facebook!

Facebook…the social media giant never seems to run out of creative ideas! It pours its heart and soul to come up with something interesting every now and then! This time it’s the ‘floating videos’ that’s making news on the internet. Sound’s exciting isn’t it?
For those who are hooked to the social media, should by now have taken note of this feature. For the rest here’s the exciting part. Facebook is reportedly testing its ‘floating videos’ concept that allows users to watch videos and scroll & check their timeline at the same time. The video will stay afloat as you scroll through your timeline allowing you to watch videos and keep a check on your page all at the same time.

An icon to the right bottom of the video allows users to detach the video from the newsfeed and watch it on the fly. When the icon is clicked the video plays in the lower left side of the screen and can be dragged anywhere above your timeline. Moreover, you can like, share and do all that you want to do with the video like usual while your video hovers on your timeline.

So if you wish to browse your timeline while your video buffers or you do not wish glide through all the segments of the video then just set your videos afloat. However, when you move to a different page the video will not hang around and will close automatically. This might be a little disturbing but the overall conceptualization tends to overpower this hitch.

This feature is still in its beta and will go live in a couple of weeks. Till then we will have to wait to catch a glimpse of this facet on the social network. Facebook promises to make the user experience better than the very best!

Watch a 30-second drifting video and comment on your friend’s profile update all at the same time.

Soon enough you will master the powerful art of multi-tasking!