Facebook Goes Beyond ‘Like’ - Jujubee Media

Facebook Goes Beyond ‘Like’!

Facebook finally seems to have heard to the request of its huge fan base. The social network will soon roll out emojis which will complement the traditional ‘like’ button! The ‘thumbs-up’ icon which has been used so far to express reactions for a post seemed to be inadequate when it came to reflecting one’s thoughts very precisely. For a post which disturbed users or made them unhappy, a ‘like’ is probably an incorrect gesture. A more precise emoji would make it easier to let others understand what a user actually feels for a post.

Facebook will be launching a few new exciting emojis which will help users express better. The ‘yay’-’wow’-‘angry’-’sad’-’haha’,-love’ will be joining the ‘like’ league very soon. When users tap on the like button they will be able to choose from these emojis and express what they feel for a post more precisely. So if you are disturbed, hit the ‘sad’ emoji and if a post makes you happy express it with the ‘yay’ emoji.

Users will be getting to see something fresh and something that they have long wanted to see. Moreover, the emojis will help the users communicate quickly when they do not have the time to throw a comment for a post.

So an emoji will do all the talking and will allow the users to express themselves in a much better way.   Since all posts need not be ‘liked’ by everyone, these whole new ranges of emojis will translate emotions more effectively. So if a post makes you feel ‘wow’ you need not just like it but you can ‘wow’ it!

Though the launch of the ‘dislike’ button is making rounds, an official announcement on the same is yet to be sent out. Facebook will wait to watch how people adapt to this new liking system and will brainstorm to see whether it will even need a ‘dislike’ button.  Facebook seems to be experimenting every now and then with its UI.

We can probably expect a bunch of similar rollouts in near future from the social network giants. For now, the ‘like’ emojis should be doing the trick in satiating the curiosity of its billion loyal users worldwide!