Chrome to Pause Flash Ads from September - Jujubee Media

Chrome to Pause Flash Ads from September

Google is habituated to giving the best to its users time and again. This time it is making sure that users do not have to forcefully watch flash ads that keep hovering on the website every now and then. Chrome will now come with an intelligent feature of pausing all flash ads by default on a webpage. Flash content which is assumed to be irrelevant to a user will be paused automatically. In case the user feels that the paused content is of relevance then he will be able to resume the paused flash content and watch it at his will.

This feature is expected to roll out by the 1st of September 2015. Its beta version was out last June from the Chrome Desktop web browser. Pausing flash ads by default is expected to save a great deal of battery and shoot up system performance. You will end up noticing a significant difference in the overall speed as well.

Google has teamed up Adobe into implementing this feature for Chrome users. Google will pause flash ads and allow ‘want-to-see’ content play seamlessly without distractions. If the user wishes to see the paused ads all he has to do is to click on the item and watch it play. This will save you your precious battery life so that you can stick around the web a bit longer without having to frantically search for charging outlets.

Google has made sure things go on smooth for the advertisers as well. Google has asked the advertisers to follow a few additional procedures in order to distinguish ads that do not qualify for automatic conversion from the ones that are eligible. Since most of the ads uploaded are automatically converted to HTML5. The advertisers will have to verify whether their ads make it auto conversion else they will have to end doing it by themselves if they wish to see their ads on Chrome.

So this update from Google promises to make your battery and device happier than before. From September 1 your device will experience higher speeds, longer battery life, and better performance. Chrome brings in cool updates for users each day and this one is all set to receive a thumbs up from its many loyal users from across the globe.