5 Types of Emails You Should be Sending Your Customers

Nowadays Email Marketing has become popular since Email offers a large user base with 3.7 billion email users every day. Added, Email also has better ROI with 122% more than the traditional marketing strategies.

In order to generate a high number of leads and to keep the customers engaged and retained, Email is an intrinsic solution. If your current Email Marketing tricks aren’t working, here we have given a few types of Email that will help you.

Your aim is to find areas that you’re not using email marketing effectively and to send your segmented lists relevant content and information.

Most of the emails you send should direct recipients to your website for them to take some type of action.

Effectively turning all those emails leads to paying customers really depends on the types of emails you are sending.

Why you need different types of Emails

types of Emails - Jujubee Media

Your Email Marketing may turn ineffective if you send the emails too frequently or infrequently. The second thing is the content in the mail that matters. If you are sending the same old news content to the customers, it will definitely exasperate them which will make disinterested.

Some of the emails won’t make sense for your business, and some you will find yourself using time and time again.

Without leaving you hanging, these are the different types of emails you can send your subscribers.

If you incorporate your mail according to this, there are greater chances of converting higher leads as well as retaining the existing customers.

To get started, let’s review some of the different types of emails you absolutely need to be sending your list.

  • Welcome Email

Welcome Email - Jujubee Media

Your Welcome mail is the greeting mail which you are going to send 24 hours after they opt to your list. “First Impression is the Best Impression’- As the proverb says, this mail is where you are going to start your relationship with your customer. That too when it comes to new customers.

You would have successfully courted them already, but there is any more information that you need to share.

This simple email tells you how happy you are when your customers click on subscribe, and then lays out some of the things they can expect to receive in their inbox.

The best popular example of Welcome Email:

MacPaw’s welcome Email discussed monthly newsletter with information about their products, special offers, updates, etc.

Your Welcome Email is like an accelerated “getting to know you” period.

When to send your mail:

Once your customer subscribes, automatically send your mail right away.

  • The Offer Mail

Offer Mail - Jujubee Media

This email might include discount, coupons or some other offers that you send out to your subscribers with a pleasant thank you note. In fact offer, emails have high open rates as well.

Offering your valued customer with loyalty and discounts will increase the chance of drive sales.

In the email be sure to explain the benefits of the offer (Why should they take up this offer?)

This, in turn, helps the customer to understand the real importance of your offer.

When you are sending an offer email, you can also include an offer as an added incentive for any of the emails on this VIP list.

When to send it: Within the first couple of days of subscribing, once you send your welcome email.

  • Survey Email

Survey emails are going to be the feedback emails that shows the perception of the customers of your product or brand.

You can’t expect to shower your subscribers with emails without ever asking them for their input. It is a simple email that asks them to respond to certain questions around topics relevant to your product. This survey helps you with tailoring the needs of the customers.

The below image is going to be the best example of this. It is just going to be a minute survey that helps in getting inputs from your customer.

When to send it:  After you’ve built affiliation with your subscribers

Survey Email - Jujubee Media


  • Request Email

This email is, in turn, to ask for a favor, something in return just like Testimonial or review for a particular site.

Especially as you’re advancing toward your sales emails, testimonials for your products, services, and even just content can pique your audience’s interest and establish credibility.

You can actually add a link to your social pages to all your emails as well, but it is a good idea to send a dedicated email telling customers what they will find on your social media pages, why they should follow your service, and what benefits they will receive if they do.

When to send it: As you build up to sales emails and launches you need to send.

  • The Newsletter Email

Apart from content mails, it is important to show your newsletter that will get them to know about your regular updates which tend to be more personal about the company or the individual behind the newsletter.

This type of newsletters is common that people can let know your daily updates in an easier way.

The occasional or even regular newsletter update can help your audience become familiar with you and build rapport with them.

When to send it: When you have updates for your email list that you can organize into a newsletter.

Wrapping Up:

Hope you would have gone through the different emails that you need to send to your customers with regards to higher conversion rate. The truth is that you need both subscribers and effective emails in order to make email marketing work for your brand and services.